This is the last tutorial task and also almost near the end of this semester. For me, this semester is full of the challenge, because it is not only my first year of uni life, but also my first year leaving home, China. I didn't think I can learn the programs, like Word, Excel, in my course. But actually, I did. And I think this is more difficult for me, because I need to translate the function’s name into Chinese from English. Anyway, I think workshop is more interesting, we can learn how to use Word, Excel, and Photoshop to show our data and pictures, and know more information about 3D chat environment which I never use before. Also, I found the interesting answer from internet, such as what is the weight of the world’s biggest pumpkin, what is the length of a giraffe’s tongue, and etc. these questions I never think that before, even though they are existed. So I think the tutorial is really interesting. For me, also, this is a good experience to practise writing. I can remember I was nervous and spend long time to finish the first tutorial task, because I didn't what I should say and worried about my grammar, spelling, and things like that. But now, I can finish a tutorial task quickly and easily. I think my English is getting better from kinds of practice.
But, anyway, I have difficulties in this course. The text book of this course is like to tell us the history, development and root of media, so has more theory. It is difficult to understand. I need to spend more time and energy on this to prepare the final exam than Australian. Also, I don't like reading the text book, it is not only difficult, but also not attract me. Some history stories, like the history of computer, internet and television, are good. But the theory is boring, I think. Probably, it is because I don't understand that clearly. So I hope the tutors can explain more theory in the tutorial class latter.
Thank you Adam ^^
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Sunday, May 27, 2007
week 10---(Microsoft Word--tutorial task catch^^)
Complete the Exercises below, and then write a report in your blog about your experience doing the exercises; were there any problems? What were your solutions? Did you find it too simple, or was it confusing? Can you see how this software might be useful to you?
This is the catching of week 10 tutorial task. Microsoft Word is one of the most frequent Microsoft Office programs that people use. Like us, we use that to write essay, case study, job letter, and the things like that. I thought Microsoft Word is the easiest program before, because it just can be served on writing. But, actually, it is not. When I do this tutorial, I feel it is very easy, because I think everyone knows how to bold the font, increase the font-size, and underline the words. So in the beginning of these steps, like bold, italics, underline, and double space, even though the track changes, I finish these easily. But for the advanced exercise, mail merge, I confuse with that, because I never knew this function in Microsoft Word before, even to use that. I feel I can finish the basic exercise easily, both of Microsoft Word and Excel. But for the Excel, I confused with advanced exercise as well. (I catch this tutorial task on week 12, so for me, I do the Excel first). Back to the Word, I try to use the function of mail merge for couple of times, because this is the first time I use that, it is difficult for the student whose English is as second language. So I need to see the step very carefully. Now I can create many copies of my letters and add the new details on which letter I need. And also, each letter will have the details that I entered earlier in place of the merge fields. So I think Microsoft Word is a very useful program for people. But now, we can’t think we have known all the function of Microsoft Word, because there are many others which we don’t know yet. Those functions, usually, not only are quite convenient for our writing, but alsoa can save time for us!!
This is the catching of week 10 tutorial task. Microsoft Word is one of the most frequent Microsoft Office programs that people use. Like us, we use that to write essay, case study, job letter, and the things like that. I thought Microsoft Word is the easiest program before, because it just can be served on writing. But, actually, it is not. When I do this tutorial, I feel it is very easy, because I think everyone knows how to bold the font, increase the font-size, and underline the words. So in the beginning of these steps, like bold, italics, underline, and double space, even though the track changes, I finish these easily. But for the advanced exercise, mail merge, I confuse with that, because I never knew this function in Microsoft Word before, even to use that. I feel I can finish the basic exercise easily, both of Microsoft Word and Excel. But for the Excel, I confused with advanced exercise as well. (I catch this tutorial task on week 12, so for me, I do the Excel first). Back to the Word, I try to use the function of mail merge for couple of times, because this is the first time I use that, it is difficult for the student whose English is as second language. So I need to see the step very carefully. Now I can create many copies of my letters and add the new details on which letter I need. And also, each letter will have the details that I entered earlier in place of the merge fields. So I think Microsoft Word is a very useful program for people. But now, we can’t think we have known all the function of Microsoft Word, because there are many others which we don’t know yet. Those functions, usually, not only are quite convenient for our writing, but alsoa can save time for us!!
I haven’t use excel for long time, because I just know the simplest thing, like how to make a chart, how to calculate the average, etc. So it is not really useful for me. And before, I thought excel is a difficult program to use, because it includes many formulas. I couldn’t remember these, so I would rather choose the calculator to calculate something. But, now I feel, actually, excel is a quite easy and effective program that people use from this tutorial. It not only calculates addition, subtraction, multiplication and division quickly, but also shows the data whatever people want to see easily. It just needs couple of simple steps, Macros function, to show that. Also, it is the first time I know Macros, and use it. I just need a bottom to control the kinds of data show, really magic^^
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
week 10 (essay)
Is business responsible for employee email privacy?
Definition of e-mail privacy
As Dale and Lewis (2006) referred that e-mail, now, has become one of the most popular communication form that people use, as well as e-mail privacy problem is becoming more serious issue in the world. Before, most of people thought e-mail was the most private communication form in our information age. So the content of messages includes whatever senders want. Indeed, the issue of e-mail privacy has been arisen during last 20 years (Garson, 1995, p.75).However, with more and more employees be fired by employers for e-mail. E-mail privacy issue, especially employee e-mail insecurity, is be concerned in societies. Moreover, e-mail can be read, modified by authorized individuals and unauthorized individuals, even it reaches the destination at the end (Garfinkel et al., 2005, pp.701-10). In addition, it must be related to social responsibility and ethics, as refer to e-mail privacy issue, in the information age (Dhillion, 2002, p2). Therefore, e-mail insecurity has become the center of many search and discussion around employees’ rights and organization’s duty (Dale & Lewis, 2006, p.111).
This essay will analyze the major reasons that business should be responsible for employee e-mail insecurity for firstly. These reasons must be related to business needs. Finally it will describe the other factors contribute to the issue of e-mail privacy.
Organizations’ needs
In this section, it will be divided into three parts, job performance, product quality and the efficiency of computing, and pseudo-impression.
It is clear that e-mail privacy issue increase rapidly due to it is monitored by employers more frequently. It has been argued that ‘E-mail may feel like a private, one-to-one conversation safe from prying eyes, but email is about as confidential as whispering at the White House…’It means employees’ e-mail might be monitored and intercept by managers. The fact, the employers play the most key roles in the issue of e-mail security (Email privacy, 2007, p.1).The survey showed that about 78% of corporations monitor the staff by the same way, and about 50% of employers monitor the employees via e-mail (Electronic surveillance in the workplace, 2001, para.2,6). By the first reason, Brennan and Johnson (2004, p.75) referred that it can make sure whether the staff work hard, whether the staff observe the e-mail policy during business hours, as well as ensure the efficiency of computing via the e-mail is be monitored. The study described that most of employers are requested to sign the e-mail policy that claim e-mail only for work during the business hours when the first work day (Berghel 1997, pp.11-5)
For instance, an employee of Pillsbury was dismissed for sending an e-mail to his colleague, which he thought is very private (Berghel, 1997, pp.11-5). Moreover, two employees were fired by Nissan Motor Corporation, because there was the criticism of manager in their e-mails. (Schumann and Schneid, 1997, p.208). For this case, most of employers explain that employees should not have expectation with e-mail privacy during business hours, because employees use the business e-mail system in companies, and employers pay them for doing work, not for doing personal activities (Email privacy, 2007, p.3).
Furthermore, with checking e-mail increase frequently, the product quality and the efficiency of computing, play another key factor, contribute the e-mail privacy issue arise. The business claims that monitoring e-mail can help the corporations improve the product quality, in order to increase profits due to the increasing of productivity (Sipior & Ward, 1995, p.50). It is viewed that the surveillance of e-mails not only improves the product quality, but also ensure the efficiency of computing directly (Email privacy, 2007, p.3). However, all the employees expect their e-mail, like locked office, is secure. Therefore, as increasing of e-mail be monitored, more and more employees are not satisfied with the policy of companies. In addition, the employees resign for invasion of their e-mails in succession (Sipior & Ward, 1995, p.50).
Conversely, the third key part, employers always make the pseudo-impression to employees. The employees will receive the pin number by employers, in order to protect the personal files, internet access, and e-mail privacy, like the same as locked drawer and office (Guideline on Workplace E-mail, web Browsing and Privacy, 2000, para.5). However, the mails often be intercepted by employers when the staff think e-mail is always private (Weisband & Reinig, 1995, pp.40-1). It causes people did not concern with the problem of e-mail privacy before. Therefore, the issue of e-mail privacy is becoming one of the most serious problems in societies nowadays (Guidelines on Workplace E-mail, Web Browsing and Privacy, 2000, para.5).
From what has been analyzed, it can be said that the business, as the most major factor, should be responsible for employees’ e-mail insecurity. Even though, it can bring more profits for corporations. Organizations have duty for the employees. However, e-mail be monitored by employers is becoming more popular way, the unethical way, to improve the profits, even to operate the corporations. In addition, ensuring job performance, efficiency of computing, as well as improving product quality, as the ‘appropriate reasons’, are promoted by employers.
Other contributors to e-mail privacy
It is argued that the technology, policy, as others reasons, cause the arise of e-mail privacy problem. On the one hand, e-mail is often be read and modified during the transmission procedure between senders and receivers (Guidelines on Workplace E-mail, Web Browsing and Privacy, 2000, para.6). Indeed, the individuals, hackers, and corporations can intercept, modify, and even forge, by computers that the messages touch. Furthermore, they can get users’ IP address by using kinds of technology, in additional know users’ detail and the content of messages (Email Privacy, 2003-2005, para.2). E-mail, as the argue goes, not as ordinary documents, can be kept in e-mail server for many years (Guidelines on Workplace E-mail, Web Browsing and Privacy, 2000, para.7). On the other hand, yet the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) does not publish a clear policy to protect employees’ e-mail privacy. The policy, has been published, claimed that the employers can monitor employees’ e-mail, retrieve and store messages, when the employees agree with that. However, this policy has become another ‘appropriate reason’ for which employer check the staff’s e-mails (Electronic surveillance in the workplace, 2001, para.9).
It is necessary to understand technology and policy can be regarded as following factors causing the problem of e-mail privacy. For this case, technology, as the power of encouraging human’s development, has dark side for societies. Moreover, ECPA should publish a clear rule to protect the employees’ rights.
Summary of argument
To sum up, business can be proved as the key factor contributes to employees e-mail insecurity. In fact, the employers should not make any excuse, as the ‘appropriate reasons’, to monitor the employees’ mail. It is an unethical and irresponsible way to operate the corporations. Furthermore, it appears the contradiction between employees and employers due to e-mail is monitored. For this case, it is not good for development of business. Therefore, business should be responsible for the arising of employees’ e-mail privacy issue, even the increasing of employees e-mail insecurity
Reference list
Dale, N., & Lewis, J. (2006). Computer Science Illuminated. London: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
Garson, G.D. (1995). Computer Technology and Social Issues. United States of America: Idea Group Publishing.
Garfinkel, S.L., & Margrave, D., & Schiller, J.I., & Nordlander, E., & Miller, R.C. (2005). How to Make Secure Email Easier To Use. Email and Security, 701-710. Retrieved April 21, 2007, from the portal database.
Dhillon, G.S. (2002). Social Responsibility in the Information Age: Issues and Controversies. United States of America: Idea Group Publishing.
Email Privacy. (n.d.). Privacy Rights. Retrieved April 25, 2007, from
Brennan, L.L, & Johnson, V.E. (2004). Social, Ethical and Policy Implications of Information Technology. United States of America: Information Science Publishing.
Electronic surveillance in the workplace. (n.d.). CyberSpeak. Retrieved April 25, 2007, from
Berghel, H. (1997). Email-The Good, The Bad, and The ugly. COMMUNICATION OF THE ACM, Vol. 40, No.4. Retrieved April 22, 2007, from the portal database.
Schumann, M.S., & Schneid, T.D. (1997). Legal Liability: A Guide for Safety and Loss Prevention Professionals. Gaithersburg, Maryland: Aspen Publishers.
Sipior, J.C., & Ward, B.T. (1995). The Ethical and Legal Quandary of Email Privacy. COMMUNICATION OF THE ACM, Vol.38, No 12. Retrieved April 22, 2007, from the portal database.
Weisband, S.P., & Reinig, B.A. (1995). Managing User. Perceptions of Email Privacy. COMMUNICATION OF THE ACM, Vol.38, No 12. Retrieved April 22, 2007, from the portal database.
Email Privacy. (n.d.). Email Privacy. Info. Retrieved April 21, 2007,from
Guidelines on Workplace E-mail, Web Browsing and Privacy. (n.d.). THE OFFICE OF THE PRIVACY COMMISSIONER. Retrieved April 22, 2007, from
Definition of e-mail privacy
As Dale and Lewis (2006) referred that e-mail, now, has become one of the most popular communication form that people use, as well as e-mail privacy problem is becoming more serious issue in the world. Before, most of people thought e-mail was the most private communication form in our information age. So the content of messages includes whatever senders want. Indeed, the issue of e-mail privacy has been arisen during last 20 years (Garson, 1995, p.75).However, with more and more employees be fired by employers for e-mail. E-mail privacy issue, especially employee e-mail insecurity, is be concerned in societies. Moreover, e-mail can be read, modified by authorized individuals and unauthorized individuals, even it reaches the destination at the end (Garfinkel et al., 2005, pp.701-10). In addition, it must be related to social responsibility and ethics, as refer to e-mail privacy issue, in the information age (Dhillion, 2002, p2). Therefore, e-mail insecurity has become the center of many search and discussion around employees’ rights and organization’s duty (Dale & Lewis, 2006, p.111).
This essay will analyze the major reasons that business should be responsible for employee e-mail insecurity for firstly. These reasons must be related to business needs. Finally it will describe the other factors contribute to the issue of e-mail privacy.
Organizations’ needs
In this section, it will be divided into three parts, job performance, product quality and the efficiency of computing, and pseudo-impression.
It is clear that e-mail privacy issue increase rapidly due to it is monitored by employers more frequently. It has been argued that ‘E-mail may feel like a private, one-to-one conversation safe from prying eyes, but email is about as confidential as whispering at the White House…’It means employees’ e-mail might be monitored and intercept by managers. The fact, the employers play the most key roles in the issue of e-mail security (Email privacy, 2007, p.1).The survey showed that about 78% of corporations monitor the staff by the same way, and about 50% of employers monitor the employees via e-mail (Electronic surveillance in the workplace, 2001, para.2,6). By the first reason, Brennan and Johnson (2004, p.75) referred that it can make sure whether the staff work hard, whether the staff observe the e-mail policy during business hours, as well as ensure the efficiency of computing via the e-mail is be monitored. The study described that most of employers are requested to sign the e-mail policy that claim e-mail only for work during the business hours when the first work day (Berghel 1997, pp.11-5)
For instance, an employee of Pillsbury was dismissed for sending an e-mail to his colleague, which he thought is very private (Berghel, 1997, pp.11-5). Moreover, two employees were fired by Nissan Motor Corporation, because there was the criticism of manager in their e-mails. (Schumann and Schneid, 1997, p.208). For this case, most of employers explain that employees should not have expectation with e-mail privacy during business hours, because employees use the business e-mail system in companies, and employers pay them for doing work, not for doing personal activities (Email privacy, 2007, p.3).
Furthermore, with checking e-mail increase frequently, the product quality and the efficiency of computing, play another key factor, contribute the e-mail privacy issue arise. The business claims that monitoring e-mail can help the corporations improve the product quality, in order to increase profits due to the increasing of productivity (Sipior & Ward, 1995, p.50). It is viewed that the surveillance of e-mails not only improves the product quality, but also ensure the efficiency of computing directly (Email privacy, 2007, p.3). However, all the employees expect their e-mail, like locked office, is secure. Therefore, as increasing of e-mail be monitored, more and more employees are not satisfied with the policy of companies. In addition, the employees resign for invasion of their e-mails in succession (Sipior & Ward, 1995, p.50).
Conversely, the third key part, employers always make the pseudo-impression to employees. The employees will receive the pin number by employers, in order to protect the personal files, internet access, and e-mail privacy, like the same as locked drawer and office (Guideline on Workplace E-mail, web Browsing and Privacy, 2000, para.5). However, the mails often be intercepted by employers when the staff think e-mail is always private (Weisband & Reinig, 1995, pp.40-1). It causes people did not concern with the problem of e-mail privacy before. Therefore, the issue of e-mail privacy is becoming one of the most serious problems in societies nowadays (Guidelines on Workplace E-mail, Web Browsing and Privacy, 2000, para.5).
From what has been analyzed, it can be said that the business, as the most major factor, should be responsible for employees’ e-mail insecurity. Even though, it can bring more profits for corporations. Organizations have duty for the employees. However, e-mail be monitored by employers is becoming more popular way, the unethical way, to improve the profits, even to operate the corporations. In addition, ensuring job performance, efficiency of computing, as well as improving product quality, as the ‘appropriate reasons’, are promoted by employers.
Other contributors to e-mail privacy
It is argued that the technology, policy, as others reasons, cause the arise of e-mail privacy problem. On the one hand, e-mail is often be read and modified during the transmission procedure between senders and receivers (Guidelines on Workplace E-mail, Web Browsing and Privacy, 2000, para.6). Indeed, the individuals, hackers, and corporations can intercept, modify, and even forge, by computers that the messages touch. Furthermore, they can get users’ IP address by using kinds of technology, in additional know users’ detail and the content of messages (Email Privacy, 2003-2005, para.2). E-mail, as the argue goes, not as ordinary documents, can be kept in e-mail server for many years (Guidelines on Workplace E-mail, Web Browsing and Privacy, 2000, para.7). On the other hand, yet the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) does not publish a clear policy to protect employees’ e-mail privacy. The policy, has been published, claimed that the employers can monitor employees’ e-mail, retrieve and store messages, when the employees agree with that. However, this policy has become another ‘appropriate reason’ for which employer check the staff’s e-mails (Electronic surveillance in the workplace, 2001, para.9).
It is necessary to understand technology and policy can be regarded as following factors causing the problem of e-mail privacy. For this case, technology, as the power of encouraging human’s development, has dark side for societies. Moreover, ECPA should publish a clear rule to protect the employees’ rights.
Summary of argument
To sum up, business can be proved as the key factor contributes to employees e-mail insecurity. In fact, the employers should not make any excuse, as the ‘appropriate reasons’, to monitor the employees’ mail. It is an unethical and irresponsible way to operate the corporations. Furthermore, it appears the contradiction between employees and employers due to e-mail is monitored. For this case, it is not good for development of business. Therefore, business should be responsible for the arising of employees’ e-mail privacy issue, even the increasing of employees e-mail insecurity
Reference list
Dale, N., & Lewis, J. (2006). Computer Science Illuminated. London: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
Garson, G.D. (1995). Computer Technology and Social Issues. United States of America: Idea Group Publishing.
Garfinkel, S.L., & Margrave, D., & Schiller, J.I., & Nordlander, E., & Miller, R.C. (2005). How to Make Secure Email Easier To Use. Email and Security, 701-710. Retrieved April 21, 2007, from the portal database.
Dhillon, G.S. (2002). Social Responsibility in the Information Age: Issues and Controversies. United States of America: Idea Group Publishing.
Email Privacy. (n.d.). Privacy Rights. Retrieved April 25, 2007, from
Brennan, L.L, & Johnson, V.E. (2004). Social, Ethical and Policy Implications of Information Technology. United States of America: Information Science Publishing.
Electronic surveillance in the workplace. (n.d.). CyberSpeak. Retrieved April 25, 2007, from
Berghel, H. (1997). Email-The Good, The Bad, and The ugly. COMMUNICATION OF THE ACM, Vol. 40, No.4. Retrieved April 22, 2007, from the portal database.
Schumann, M.S., & Schneid, T.D. (1997). Legal Liability: A Guide for Safety and Loss Prevention Professionals. Gaithersburg, Maryland: Aspen Publishers.
Sipior, J.C., & Ward, B.T. (1995). The Ethical and Legal Quandary of Email Privacy. COMMUNICATION OF THE ACM, Vol.38, No 12. Retrieved April 22, 2007, from the portal database.
Weisband, S.P., & Reinig, B.A. (1995). Managing User. Perceptions of Email Privacy. COMMUNICATION OF THE ACM, Vol.38, No 12. Retrieved April 22, 2007, from the portal database.
Email Privacy. (n.d.). Email Privacy. Info. Retrieved April 21, 2007,from
Guidelines on Workplace E-mail, Web Browsing and Privacy. (n.d.). THE OFFICE OF THE PRIVACY COMMISSIONER. Retrieved April 22, 2007, from
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
3D chat environment!!!---week 8
Now, in the information age, we use kinds of chat system on-line to communicate with friends and family, like MSN massager, OICQ, Skype, and etc. and I think, now, 3D chat environment is the newest chat system for people, especially for youth. But actually, I just know a little about 3D chats before this tutorial, and never use. For me, MSN massager is the most popular communication on-line. I thought, probably, MSN was the easiest way and best way to chat on internet before. But today, I change my mind. After I found the 3D chat information for this tutorial task, I feel there are big differences with other chat communications.
3D chat, as well as called IMVU, which is like a graphical chatting system. It is easy to use. You just need to register the name and write down your personal details, to get a homepage, for your chat, the same as MSN massager. The first difference is you can choose your image, like hair, eyes, face, clothes, which you like. I tried it in this tutorial, it was very funny. In MSN, I just can choose the simple head for my image.
The high quality audio and video as the second difference, I think. As if we sitting in the real place, like park, concert, museum, when we are chatting with other people. Also, the people that we talk with are different. We often talk with the familiar friend in MSN. But the most of people we talk in 3D chat room are stranger.
Another big difference is 3D chat system has its own credit. It means you can sell your virtual stuff, like your hair, clothes, whatever you want. It is more like a game. You can enjoy it in 3D chat environment. So I think 3D chat environment will be a most popular chat communication latter, because it is easier to use and more interesting than other kinds of chatting system.
3D chat, as well as called IMVU, which is like a graphical chatting system. It is easy to use. You just need to register the name and write down your personal details, to get a homepage, for your chat, the same as MSN massager. The first difference is you can choose your image, like hair, eyes, face, clothes, which you like. I tried it in this tutorial, it was very funny. In MSN, I just can choose the simple head for my image.
The high quality audio and video as the second difference, I think. As if we sitting in the real place, like park, concert, museum, when we are chatting with other people. Also, the people that we talk with are different. We often talk with the familiar friend in MSN. But the most of people we talk in 3D chat room are stranger.
Another big difference is 3D chat system has its own credit. It means you can sell your virtual stuff, like your hair, clothes, whatever you want. It is more like a game. You can enjoy it in 3D chat environment. So I think 3D chat environment will be a most popular chat communication latter, because it is easier to use and more interesting than other kinds of chatting system.
Thursday, April 19, 2007

Yao ming is a popular basketball player in china, even in the world. He is the tallest player in NBA. He is just 21 years old, but, now, he is a league leader in couple of key areas in Houston Rockets, in his third NBA season. I think he is as the symbol of Chinese basketball. So I choose this picture as celebrity. And I edit it at the edge of this picture, looks more interesting, like somebody cut it.

Kangaroo is one of the Australian symbols. Every person can remember kangaroo as refer to Australia. Also, kangaroo is the precious animal in the world. So I think this picture can present the theme of ‘Australian’. I compose the three pictures as one picture in the Photoshop.

I download this picture from internet. Now, it is computer years. Almost every family has one or more computers, even in the third world countries. So I choose this picture as the theme of ‘communication’. The original picture is like a pencil picture, but I edit it to the fresco in the Photoshop. Because I think it can emphasize the theme of ‘computer years’.

I download this picture from internet. From this picture, we can see, this player can represent the word of 'popular'. Because there is a overcrowded stand and just one player.
I put my topic, popular, on this paper. So everbody can know my theme of this picture.

Basketball is becoming more popular game in the world, and more and more people, now, concern with basketball game, especially NBA. That’s why I choose this picture as ‘sport game’. In the Photoshop, I emphasize the two players as the focus. And I edit some words and title on the picture, look like the cover sheet of magazine.

This photo was taken, in the Nathan campus of Griffith, before I graduated from language school. I compose the four pictures as one whole picture, and each picture has different tone. We know each other at language school, same class. We come from different place of China. I think it can represent the theme of ‘friends’ completely.
Saturday, March 31, 2007

This photo was taken on the graduation trip of my language school. These friends were my first classmates when I came to Australia. Although, we just studied together for three months, I think this photo can represent our friendship.

I took this photo on Nathan campus of Griffith. Some people were waiting for the bus after classes, and some people were going to class.
I took this photo on the graduation trip of my language school as well. Before, I read a book, said ‘summer is vacations’. So I still believe that summer can represent the vacations, it is summer memories. That’s why I choose this photo to represent ‘SUMMER’.
I took this photo on the graduation trip of my language school as well. Before, I read a book, said ‘summer is vacations’. So I still believe that summer can represent the vacations, it is summer memories. That’s why I choose this photo to represent ‘SUMMER’.
For me, I think this photo can be an unconventional picture. I downloaded it from internet. It can be an irony, because this picture satirizes the government system. The word ‘police’ is obvious, and satirical. It shows the corruption of government and ignorant of citizens.
For me, I think this photo can be an unconventional picture. I downloaded it from internet. It can be an irony, because this picture satirizes the government system. The word ‘police’ is obvious, and satirical. It shows the corruption of government and ignorant of citizens.
This is Japanese newspaper. It gathers the pictures of all kinds of subjects in high school. It shows the high school life in Japan as well.
This is Japanese newspaper. It gathers the pictures of all kinds of subjects in high school. It shows the high school life in Japan as well.
This photo is my friend’s student card. It looks funny, but actually, I think it can represent the high-tech. Because this card includes the student’s detail, the staff can check student’s information, such as address, major and degree, and nationality, by computer.
This photo is my friend’s student card. It looks funny, but actually, I think it can represent the high-tech. Because this card includes the student’s detail, the staff can check student’s information, such as address, major and degree, and nationality, by computer.
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